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Can a Dentist Diagnose Sleep Apnea? in Seton Calgary

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We are open for regular services in SE Calgary!

We Are Open for Regular Services!  At Outdoor Dental, your health and safety is always our number one priority. In full compliance with the Alberta Dental Association & College, we are now performing all regular dental treatments with rigorous safety protocols in practice. We are very excited to reconnect with you and continue to leave […]

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Fear of the dentist

Do dentists’ needles and drills make you anxious?  If the pain of a dentist’s needles and even just the sound of the dentist’s drill makes you have dental anxiety, you are not alone. Painful dental treatments in the past and fear of dentists’ needles keep many people away from the dentist, even when they truly need […]

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How to curb dental phobia with drill-free fillings – Seton dentist explains

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Do you feel apprehensive when it’s time to go to your Auburn Bay and Seton dentist? Nearly everyone feels a little nervous before a dental health appointment. But some people are downright terrified of even stepping foot in a dental office. Severe dental phobia has even led some to avoid seeing their dentist altogether. Unfortunately, […]

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Seton, Calgary is growing! Here are 6 things we love about our neighbourhood

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Even before The Economist named Calgary one of the most liveable cities in the world, we were already huge fans of living here! Calgary is the perfect mix of urban and outdoor living; you can enjoy a breathtaking hike in the morning, partake in a little retail therapy in the afternoon, and be chowing down […]

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The All-Natural Toothpaste Trend: A guide to the best natural toothpastes

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The tendency toward all-natural products has been increasing in recent years. There have always been people who chose to go the natural route. But it seems like more people are willing to try natural products these days. This includes things like natural toothpastes. I like the idea of putting as few chemicals in my body […]

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Proven “miracle” Results? Get the charcoal scoop from a teeth whitening dentist

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I’m always so excited when people tell me they’re doing all they can to live a healthy lifestyle. And I back their efforts, including when they want to use all-natural dental products. But I don’t offer blind support. Of paramount importance is whether these products are safe for my patients to use or not. One […]

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Does Invisalign® work faster than braces? Calgary dentist covers Invisalign® pros and cons

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Introduced in the 90s, Invisalign® braces quickly became the dental aligners of choice by both patients and their dentists. However, I do find that a lot of patients still have quite a few questions about this product, despite it being so well-known. Patients aren’t quite sure how the aligners work, or what the pros and […]

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Drill Free Fillings FAQ’s – South Calgary dentist explains

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Many people have a difficult time with the sound and feel of traditional drills. They react the same way as they do when they hear nails on a chalkboard. It’s definitely hard to relax during a procedure when you’re experiencing that type of a reaction. If you’ve had a similar reaction to the traditional procedure […]

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Calgary dental clinic now offers drill and freezing-free fillings

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No one likes to hear that they have a cavity. It brings up a lot of feelings. Guilt, for instance, because we feel our home care wasn’t up to par. Or, because we’ve consumed way too many sugary foods lately. And of course, there’s always a little bit of fear. It isn’t uncommon for people […]

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  • Suite 104, 3883 Front St. SE
  • Calgary, Alberta T3M 2J6

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Clinic Hours

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday*: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed
*Alternative Saturdays

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