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Calgary dental clinic now offers drill and freezing-free fillings

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No one likes to hear that they have a cavity.

It brings up a lot of feelings. Guilt, for instance, because we feel our home care wasn’t up to par. Or, because we’ve consumed way too many sugary foods lately.

And of course, there’s always a little bit of fear.

pain free dentist calgary. woman afraid of the drill

It isn’t uncommon for people to experience anxiety before dental treatments. I can’t tell you how many times patients have stepped foot into my dental clinic with wide eyes and sweaty palms.

Whether our fear is minimal or extreme, the point is – it’s real. In fact, 40% of the Canadian population experience some sort of dental apprehension.

Part of the cause of this anxiety is because of a fear of pain. Another contributing factor is the sound of the drill. I’m used to it, but I know that it can send chills down the spines of my patients. Oh, and the anesthetic needle doesn’t help much either.

Thankfully, there’s a new way to treat cavities that doesn’t require a drill or freezing (or, anesthesia).

What is a Solea laser and how does it work?

I’m happy to announce that in April 2018, I’m equipping my Seton dental clinic with a Solea Laser.

This laser allows me to offer you drill-free fillings.

How does it work?

The Solea Laser System is a fast, accurate computer-aided system. With it, I can provide dental treatments without freezing.
To many, the idea of anesthetic-free dentistry is absurd. But this technology is virtually painless! Most patients say the most they feel is a “sensation.” That means more comfortable dental visits!

This laser vaporizes decay without damaging the surrounding healthy tooth structure. The less tooth structure removed – the more stable and healthy your teeth will be long term.

Drill-free dentistry at our Calgary dental clinic: Why I prefer laser dentistry

Not every dentist in Calgary wants give up their drill. But there are quite a few of us who recognize that laser dentistry is the future. We cannot ignore the benefits of this technology.

Here are the reasons why I’m choosing to add the Solea Laser system to my Seton and Auburn Bay dental practice:

Solea drill free cavities

1. It’s not just about drill-free fillings

One of the great things about this laser system is that I can use it for many procedures. It works on hard tissues, like enamel, as well as soft and osseous tissues.

2. Laser dentistry saves my patients a lot of time

Dental appointments can be notoriously long. One reason for this is because we need time for the patient to get numb. Another is that I have to drill slowly to make sure I’m as accurate as possible.
The Solea Laser is so fast and extremely accurate, that I can work on multiple teeth in one visit. Plus, in the majority of cases, you don’t need anesthesia. That means fewer and shorter appointment times!

3. The reduction in pain is amazing

This laser is fast and accurate. That means the decay is out and a filling put in with very little discomfort.
Not only is the pain reduced, the noise is too. The sound of the drill is sometimes compared to nails on a chalkboard to a lot of people. The Solea Laser, though, is virtually soundless.

4. It’s one of the best lasers on the market

Lasers aren’t new to dentistry. But the older lasers aren’t nearly as effective as this one. Old erbium lasers actually vaporized water (which cooled the tooth) but chipped the enamel. The older CO2 models were only effective on soft tissue.
The Solea Laser, though, is fast, precise, and works on multiple types of oral tissues.

The Promise – Always putting your needs and comfort first

The latest dental technology allows us to accomplish so much. Every Calgary dentist who puts these tools to good use knows how beneficial they are.

Dental technology cuts down the amount of time that patients are in the dental chair. It also reduces or eliminates the need for anxiety-inducing tools, like needles and drills.

Ultimately, this technology allows us to provide our patients with top-notch dental care. Personally, that helps me sleep at well at night. And it makes me excited to come into work every day to serve the needs of my patients.

When you come into my Seton and Auburn Bay dentist office, you won’t just find the latest technology, though. You’ll find a dental team that wants to provide you with a safe, comfortable, and anxiety-free experience.

Have you been putting off coming to the dentist because of dental fear? Contact my office to schedule a free meet-and-greet. My team is caring and compassionate, and we’ll do all we can to ease your anxiety.

Dr. Jay Patel, DDS – Dentist Calgary SE

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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