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Are There Different Types of Dental Crowns?

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A set of dental crowns against a white background.

Restorative dental treatments, such as crowns, can protect and preserve teeth and enhance your smile. But did you know not all dental crowns are the same? Different types of dental crowns can include porcelain, ceramic, composite, metal, and Cerec same-day crowns.  

If your dentist finds decayed or damaged teeth during a dental exam, they may recommend a dental crown. The type of crown they use can depend on your oral health needs and preferences. 

What Is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown, also called a “cap,” is a tooth-shaped covering placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength and improve its appearance. When cemented into place, a crown fully encases the visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line.

Types of Dental Crowns

Based on the tooth’s location that requires restoration, your dentist will recommend a specific type of crown material or combination, as each type offers unique benefits. 

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain or ceramic crowns are the most aesthetically pleasing, as they can be colour-matched to your natural teeth. They’re a top choice for front teeth or those visible during a smile, blending seamlessly with your existing teeth. 

However, they can be more prone to wear against opposing teeth and are more brittle than metal-infused crowns. For these reasons, they’re not suitable for the back teeth. 

Metal Crowns

Metal crowns traditionally consist of gold or other alloys. Because of this, they are the sturdiest and longest-lasting option. 

Metal crowns are less likely to chip, break, and wear down opposing natural teeth and require less tooth structure to be removed. However, their metallic colour makes them more suitable for molars than front teeth. 

Composite Crowns

These crowns provide a natural tooth look and don’t chip as easily as porcelain crowns. However, they are less durable, can wear more quickly, and are more prone to staining over time, as brushing can remove the polished surface. Composite crowns are better suited for temporary or short-term solutions.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns

Pocelain-fused-to-metal crowns combine the strength of metal with the aesthetics of porcelain. They can be colour-matched to natural teeth and are more durable than all-porcelain crowns. However, the metal layer’s edge can be visible, especially if gums recede, potentially compromising the aesthetic appeal.

A close-up of a chipped tooth

What Are Same-Day Crowns?

Traditional crowns require multiple appointments. One appointment is to file down the tooth, take impressions for the crown, and place a temporary crown, and another is to remove the temporary crown and replace it with the final crown to restore tooth function.

If you’re looking for something quicker, same-day crowns are an option. Cerec same-day crowns are designed, prepared, and placed in a single office visit, saving you the hassle of temporary crowns and multiple appointments. A Cerec milling machine creates custom-fitted crowns that your dentist can bond to your tooth for a comfortable and secure fit. 

Cerec same-day crowns are suitable for:

  • Cracked, chipped, or fractured teeth to help restore their shape, size, and strength
  • Severely worn teeth to prevent further damage and decay
  • Discoloured teeth that you can’t correct with whitening treatments 
  • Decayed teeth from cavities to prevent further decay and damage

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Each type of dental crown has its unique benefits to consider. 


If the look of your crown is a significant concern, all-porcelain offers the most natural appearance, closely mimicking the colour and translucency of your natural teeth.


If you’re looking for longevity, metal crowns can generally last long. 


The cost of dental crowns varies based on the material. Metal and composite crowns are usually the more cost-effective options, while all-porcelain crowns are more pricey.


Cerec same-day crowns can save you time and hassle as your dentist can design, create, and place them in a single dental visit. This means you won’t have to disrupt your schedule for longer than you have to. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dental Crown

Your dentist can recommend the type of dental crown suited to your needs. However, being informed and considering the following factors can help your decision-making process.

Treatment Goals

Your treatment plan and the crown’s intended function will heavily influence the type of crown recommended. Whether it’s for aesthetics or functionality, share your goals with your dentist to find the most appropriate fit.


The type of crown you choose can significantly affect your financial commitment. Discussing your budget with your dentist can lead to recommendations that align with your financial capabilities.

Personal Preferences

Some patients prioritize natural appearance, while others value durability or cost. Your personal preferences play a significant role in deciding which dental crown type will satisfy your needs.

Restoring Oral Health in Calgary SE

Dental crowns can help maintain dental health and improve teeth function, strength, and appearance. Deciding on a dental crown type is a collaborative process between you and your dental care team. 

If you have questions about restorative dental treatments or concerns about oral health, book an appointment with Outdoor Dental today. 

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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