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What are Same-Day Dental Crown Services?

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It’s easy to put off getting a dental crown when you have to make multiple appointments fit into your schedule. While traditional crown procedures can take several visits and weeks to complete, same-day dental crown services offer a quick and convenient alternative.

Don’t ignore dental problems—visit your dental team at Outdoor Dental for efficient solutions using technology to save you time.

Reasons You May Need a Dental Crown

Crowns are custom-made caps fitted onto existing teeth or dental implants to restore the function and appearance of your natural teeth. If you’re facing dental issues, a crown may be necessary to help you regain a healthy smile. You may require one for several reasons.

To Cover a Cracked or Broken Tooth

If you have a broken or cracked tooth, your dentist may recommend a dental crown as a restorative option. The crown acts like a cap, fitting over your damaged tooth to protect it from further damage.

Damaged teeth can be vulnerable to infection and decay and may require more invasive procedures or extraction.

To Support a Tooth with a Large Filling

Your tooth may be susceptible to cracking and further decay if you have a large filling. A dental crown can help keep your tooth intact, preventing bacteria from entering and causing damage while preserving the natural tooth.

To Cover a Dental Implant

Dental crowns are used to cover dental implants. If your dentist recommends dental implants, they will replace your natural tooth with a surgically placed titanium root set into your jawbone. Your dental crown attaches to the implant, creating a natural-looking, functional tooth.

To Protect a Weak Tooth

If you have a weak tooth because of decay or damage, a dental crown can act as a protective barrier, stopping bacteria from entering and causing further damage. The crown will help to strengthen your tooth and may even save it from extraction.

To Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

If you have aesthetic concerns, a dental crown can improve the appearance of teeth. Porcelain crowns look, feel, and function like your natural teeth and can enhance your smile’s appearance.

A woman with a beautiful looking teeth smiling against a white background.

What Are Same-Day Dental Crowns?

Same-day dental crown services, or Cerec crown services, use CAD/CAM technology to design, create, and install dental crowns in a single visit.

Unlike traditional crown procedures that require multiple visits, impressions, and temporary restorations, same-day crown services use digital images and computerized milling machines to create a custom crown on-site.

This process saves time and eliminates the need for multiple appointments in the dentist chair.

It’s a suitable option for patients with:

  • Cracked, broken, or chipped teeth
  • Worn down teeth
  • Discoloured teeth
  • Decayed teeth

How Do Same-Day Dental Crowns Work?

The same-day dental crown procedure typically starts with a consultation and examination to determine if a crown is needed. If a crown is necessary, your dentist will prepare the tooth by removing any decay or damage and shaping it for the crown.

Next, a 3D image of the tooth is taken using a specialized camera. This image is then used to create a virtual model of the crown designed to fit perfectly over the prepared tooth.

Once the design is complete, the digital model is sent to a milling machine that carves the crown out of a ceramic block. This process takes about 15 minutes, and you can relax in the dental chair or wait comfortably in the waiting room, listening to your favourite podcasts, watching the latest episode of your favourite show, or enjoying the break.

After the crown is milled, it’s checked for fit and adjusted as needed before being permanently bonded to the prepared tooth.

What Are the Advantages of Same-Day Dental Crown Services?

One of the primary advantages of same-day dental crown services is the convenience and time-savings they offer. Other advantages include:

  • Comfortable fit
  • Aesthetically pleasing results
  • Durability similar to a traditional crown

Your same-day crown can have the same longevity as traditional crowns if you take care of it, including:

  • Brushing and flossing daily
  • Avoiding sticky or hard foods
  • Wear a mouthguard or night guard as prescribed by your dentist
  • Visit your dentist every 6 months for cleanings and exams

Are Same-Day Dental Crown Services Right for You?

It’s essential to consult your dentist to determine if a same-day crown is the right option for your needs. Some factors play a role in determining the right course of treatment, including:

  • The extent of the damage
  • The location of the tooth
  • Your oral health history

Discover If Cerec Same-Day Crowns Are Right for You

Same-day dental crown services offer a fast and convenient option for dental restoration. If you’re experiencing dental issues, schedule an appointment at Outdoor Dental in Calgary SE to discuss your options.

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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