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Calgary dental clinic now offers drill and freezing-free fillings in Seton Calgary

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Calgary dental clinic now offers drill and freezing-free fillings

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No one likes to hear that they have a cavity. It brings up a lot of feelings. Guilt, for instance, because we feel our home care wasn’t up to par. Or, because we’ve consumed way too many sugary foods lately. And of course, there’s always a little bit of fear. It isn’t uncommon for people […]

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Are single visit dental crowns more affordable? South Calgary dentist explains

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Have you ever cracked tooth? If so, you know just how uncomfortable this can be. This condition can causes temperature sensitivity and discomfort with biting pressure. And if it’s not taken care of in a timely manner, the crack can get so bad that the tooth could fracture. Whether you have a fractured or cracked […]

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Are e-cigarettes and vapes bad for your teeth? Calgary dentist explains

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We’re all well-aware of how bad smoking is for our health. It can lead to heart disease, cancer, and emphysema. Smoking can also lead to dental problems. But what about vaping? Are e-cigarettes bad for your teeth, too? Actually, some studies are showing that vaping can be just as bad for your teeth as regular […]

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Cold Sore Guide: Effective winter cold sore treatments

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It’s the holiday season – a fun yet stressful time of year for most of us. This is the season for comfort foods, lots of time with family and friends, and unfortunately, it’s also the time of year when cold sores are most prevalent. Isn’t it upsetting when you start to feel that tingling sensation […]

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Diabetes and Dental Problems: What’s the Relationship?

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More and more people are recognizing the link between oral health and their general health. This is mainly due to the slew of recent studies pertaining to the correlation between heart disease and gum disease. But we all need to be aware that heart disease isn’t the only condition related to our oral health. Diabetes […]

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Dr. Jay shares his top 5 fall hikes near Calgary

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How does this family dentist in Calgary spend the fall weekends? Catching all the amazing scenery our beautiful region has to offer. Early fall at the east end of the Rockies is perfect for hiking. The crowds in Banff have thinned and the weather is not as sweltering hot.  Not to mention the golden larches […]

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Custom mouthguards vs store bought

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Southeast Calgary Dentist Explains Custom Mouthguards vs Store Bought Did your dentist our your family doctor suggest night mouthguards for you or your child to stop grinding your teeth at night and prevent damage to them? You are then faced with a difficult choice: should you buy one of the mouthguards stores and pharmacies sell, […]

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We welcome you to come meet our newest Calgary Dentist: Dr. Jay Patel

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Dr. Jay Patel is a southeast Calgary dentist whose main focus is on treating the families of this beautiful area. We want to introduce you to Dr. Patel and give you an idea of his mission. By the time you finish reading this, we hope you will already start feeling like a part of the […]

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Brushing Your Teeth While Camping: 3 Ways to Leave No Trace

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The natural beauty of our parks is exceptional. We as proud Calgarians love it so much that we try to partake in outdoor activities as often as possible – whether the weather in Calgary and the rest of Southern Alberta. Are you an avid camper or hiker? If so, you are likely aware of the […]

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Dental Care for Children: Go Outside More Often

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You’ve likely heard about the benefits of calcium, how it strengthens the bones and protects against fractures. But did you know that you need Vitamin D in order to absorb calcium? And yet, very few people are getting the amount they need. Why aren’t people getting enough and how can they get the amount recommended […]

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  • Suite 104, 3883 Front St. SE
  • Calgary, Alberta T3M 2J6

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  • Monday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Thursday: 11:00 AM 7:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday*: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed
*Alternative Saturdays

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