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What is Laser Dentistry?

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Dentists use lasers to treat a number of different dental conditions. The laser is an instrument which creates light energy in a focused, narrow beam that can be used to remove decay, or shape teeth and tissue.

Dentists use lasers to treat tooth decay, gum disease, and gummy smiles. Laser procedures often eliminate the need for anesthesia and drills, and promote faster healing of tissue. Finding a dentist in Calgary SE who uses laser dentistry might be a challenge.

Is laser treatment safe for teeth?

There is very low risk associated with laser dentistry. Lasers have been used in clinical dental practice for procedures on teeth and gum tissue since 1989. Since then, the types of procedures dentists use lasers for has expanded to include hard tissue and soft tissue treatments. Hard tissue lasers can cut through teeth. Lasers can be used to detect cavities by finding evidence of tooth decay. To prepare teeth for dental fillings, dentists can use lasers instead of anesthesia and drills to remove the decay.

For example, in a root canal, a laser can be used to remove decay, and it also kills the bacteria in the space left which will receive the filling, which can help with the long-term health of the tooth. Teeth that are sensitive to hot and cold can be treated with lasers to seal tubules on the tooth’s root. The best part about dental lasers is that they replace the needle and the drill.

Patients who are concerned about painful procedures might want to access laser dentistry.

At Outdoor Dental, Dr. Jay Patel is a family dentist who has been trained to use laser dentistry for many of his dental treatments. He uses a Solea Laser to reduce the use of anesthetics or drills for fillings, root canals and some soft tissue procedures. His patients can experience anxiety free procedures without the needles or the sound of the drill. Instead, the laser is quiet, and there is no blood or pain for the majority of treatments.

With the Solea laser, procedures are often completed in minutes and this means that there is no need for a second appointment. Children who have anxiety about needles and drills are happy to have quick, simple laser fillings with no needles, no drills and no pain.

Another benefit of having a laser filling is that you can return to your day without the uncomfortable numb sensation in your face and lips, or that crooked smile. You can eat and drink normally too.

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Are there other treatments available that use the Solea laser?

Other conditions that laser dentistry can treat is snoring. If you are a snorer, you might have already tried many solutions to address this problem. There are plenty of over-the-counter anti-snoring solutions and gadgets which are promoted as 100% effective, but they’re not.

Most snorers are palate snorers and in such a case, Dr. Patel uses Solea Sleep which is a specific non-surgical treatment to address snoring. With this laser technology, Dr. Patel can provide patients with a non-surgical treatment that takes minimal time to perform and delivers long-term results.

Dr. Patel and his team are able to determine the best treatment procedures for you and your dental care.

Here’s how easy it is to work with Dr. Patel:

1. Book a visit
2. Let’s determine a treatment plan
3. Enjoy effective, safe dental care

Outdoor Dental Laser Dentistry: Safe, Effective Treatments

3 simple steps to get started


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Don’t say, “Maybe later.”

  • Stop worrying about dental treatments
  • End searching for the right dentist
  • Forget being anxious about anesthetic needles and drills
  • Ditch procrastination about your dental care
outdoor dental seton

Instead, take charge of your oral health:

  • Know you will have safe treatments
  • Relax knowing you’ve found the right dentist
  • Experience needle and drill-free fillings
  • Move forward with your dental care
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Visit our dental clinic in Seton Calgary SE


Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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Dr. Jay Patel

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