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How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

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Dentistry is all about preserving your smile, and advancements in family dentistry have made that more possible than ever. Your dental professional is well equipped to perform dental procedures such as dental crowns that can help keep your smile healthy and functional. 

If you want to know if a dental crown is right for you or not, you should contact your family dentist to ask any questions.

What Is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is an artificial cap or covering that is placed over the tooth. Its primary function is to strengthen the tooth and add longevity. A dental crown can restore your tooth and protect it from further damage while maintaining your natural smile.

Crowns help support your existing teeth and are also used to help: 

  • Prevent damage from occurring to brittle teeth
  • Cover tooth discolouration to whiten your smile
  • Provide greater oral structure and shape
  • Give you that extra shot of confidence you may need

The first step to getting your crown is to book an appointment with your dental professional to see if a dental crown is right for you.

During your dental crown procedure:

  • Your dentist will give you a local anesthetic.
  • To make room for your crown, your dentist will file down and reshape the tooth that needs to be restored.
  • The dentist will make an impression from your filed-down tooth so your crown can be made with a restorative material. We will take scans of your teeth and make the crown in office, the crown will be inserted before you leave!

Dental crowns are usually comprised of a porcelain shell and are even offered in the one-visit same-day variety. 

One-Visit Dental Crowns

One-visit dental crowns are a breakthrough in the dental industry that can condense the crown procedure into one efficient visit. 

CEREC same-day crowns are crafted in-office and offer a significantly quicker method to place your new crown. A CEREC crown looks natural and resembles your surrounding teeth, so people in your life may not even notice you have a new crown. The CEREC crown is reliable and tends to be sturdy and resist damage. 

CEREC crowns are designed with long-lasting results in mind, but you should also maintain good dental hygiene habits such as: 

  • Brushing 2 times a day
  • Flossing at least once a day
  • Regular cleanings with your dental professional
  • Avoid exerting heavy pressure on your teeth

Your dental professional will review the durability of a one-visit crown with you, including: 

  • The quality of production
  • The functioning of the production technology
  • Maintenance and after-care
  • Oral hygiene
  • Accuracy of the shaping process
A closeup image of a ceramic dental crown

The Longevity of Dental Crowns

The average lifespan of a dental crown is around 10 years, but that depends on various factors, such as maintenance and materials used during the dental crown process.

However, crowns can last much longer when properly cared for. Consistent check-ups with your dentist and maintaining your good dental hygiene habits, such as flossing and brushing daily, can help crowns last much longer.

Other factors that can affect the longevity of a crown include: 

  • The type of crown
  • The health of the affected tooth
  • Using your teeth as tools
  • Tooth grinding

Proper care, good dental hygiene habits, and regular dental check-ups are essential to preserving the long-term health of your dental crown.

Preserve Your Smile with Outdoor Dental in Calgary SE

Dental crowns are a great tool to help preserve your teeth and give you a significant boost in confidence. While the average lifespan of a dental crown is around 10 years, good dental hygiene habits and consistent dental check-ups can extend this even further.

Book an appointment with your dental professional at Outdoor Dental to see if a dental crown is a good option for you.

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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