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The Outdoor Lovers’ Gift Guide: OUTDOOR dental’s Top 10 Picks

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Have you finished all of your shopping for the 2016 holiday season? If not, we have some great ideas for you, particularly if your list includes some outdoor enthusiasts. As you know, your Seton family dentist, Dr. Jay Patel, and the rest of us at OUTDOOR dental love the outdoors. We think Calgary is one of the best places to live, due in large part to our beautiful surroundings. That’s why we love to get out into the great outdoors as often as possible. And this is precisely why we think you will enjoy our outdoor lovers’ gift guide for 2016.

10 Excellent Gift Ideas from Your Calgary Family Dentist, Dr. Jay Patel

As a Calgary family dentist office, we want our patients to live a happy, healthy life. To do that, dental health is imperative, but we know that this is not the only thing we need to focus on. The outdoors provide the perfect oasis for reducing stress and anxiety and reflecting on our life and relationships—all of which is vital to living a healthy life.

That is why our gift giving guide doesn’t focus solely on dental products; it focuses on items that will make an outdoor adventure even more enjoyable.

Dr. Jay Patel, Calgary family dentist's top picks for the outdoor lovers.

1. Sonicare Toothbrush Electric Toothbrush

You knew we had to start off with a dental gift, right? This is one of the best electric toothbrushes on the market. We love how clean our teeth feel after using this toothbrush—almost as good as they feel after a professional dental cleaning. This is a great gift for anyone on your gift list.

Check on Amazon.

2. Popular Day Hikes 1: Kananaskis Country by Gillian Daffier

This book about our backyard is a must-buy. For experienced hikers, it is a great reminder of beautiful trails to revisit. For those with less experience, it offers suggestions for shorter, easier hikes that are just as lovely.

Check on Amazon.

3. Swiss Army Knife

No outdoor enthusiast should be without a Swiss Army Knife. This particular knife houses sixteen different tools, all made of durable stainless steel. And there’s a lifetime warranty—how great is that?

Check on Amazon.

4. Camping Hammock

We love this camping hammock. Not only does it keep you off of the cold, damp ground, but it also allows you to enjoy twinkling starlight as you drift off to sleep. We think every outdoor enthusiast will agree: sleeping on the ground is fine when necessary, but we wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to sleep like a baby if it arose. And, that is exactly how it feels to sleep in this heavy-duty camping hammock.

Check on Amazon.

5. Travel Mug

A sturdy travel mug is one of the essentials of outdoor adventures. This mug keeps liquids hot for up to six hours; cold liquids stay cool for up to twenty-four hours. It is the perfect way to stay hydrated while hiking through the natural wonders of Calgary.

Check on Amazon.

6. Sling Shot

If your outdoor enthusiast is in need of some hunting equipment, a slingshot is a perfect option. Why haul a heavy rifle? Or, clumsily deal with a bow and a bunch of arrows? Instead, the outdoor lover can hunt for small game with this lightweight, powerful slingshot. Something that users of this tool love: it has a sighting system as well as a front stabilizer, which makes aiming and shooting more precise.

Check on Amazon.

7. Solar Powered Hiking Backpack

Probably one of the coolest items on our outdoor lovers’ gift guide is this hiking pack. Not only does it make carrying hiking necessities a breeze, but it is also solar powered for goodness sake! That means that hikers have the ability to charge their electronic equipment, like their electric toothbrush and their iPhone.
Just because someone loves the outdoors doesn’t say that they want to be completely off the grid. This pack can charge Bluetooth speakers, MP3 players, and more. Having the ability to charge devices is an important for your loved ones’ safety, too—it will keep their GPS in good working order throughout their entire hike. This pack is also waterproof and extremely durable. Plus, it’s small enough to be used as a carry-on, either on a plane or train.

Check on Amazon.

8. iPhone camera lens

One of the reasons we love the great outdoors of Calgary is because we are surrounded by pristine, natural beauty. Unfortunately, this is something that simply can’t be captured on a regular camera phone. However, the iPhone now offers an attachable camera lens and tripod. Now outdoor enthusiasts can bring home pictures that will be almost as stunning as the real thing.

Check on Amazon.

9. MiniPresso

Just because someone goes hiking doesn’t mean they want to give up their morning espresso ritual! In the past, though, espresso wasn’t an option in the great outdoors. Thanks to some ingenious folks, we now have the MiniPresso. This portable, lightweight espresso maker will make mornings in the outdoors even better.

Check on Amazon.

10. Wool sweater

Our backyard can get rather chilly, especially at night. That is why having a lightweight wool sweater is vital. But we’re not talking about an ugly or run-of-the-mill sweater. These wool sweaters are practical yet stylish and even come with a hood for extra comfort and warmth.

Your Calgary Family Dentist: As Enthusiastic About the Outdoors As He Is About Teeth

To Dr. Jay Patel, your family dentist, Calgary is the best place in the world to enjoy an outdoor adventure. The rest of us here at couldn’t agree more, and we’re sure there are a lot of outdoor enthusiasts that agree with us. If you want to find the perfect gift for those outdoor lovers, try one (or more!) from our outdoor lovers’ gift guide. We’re sure they’ll these gifts will play a major role in their next outdoor adventure.

If you would like more information on how outdoor adventures and dentistry can help you live a happy, healthy life, please contact us today. We will be glad to answer your questions and to provide some fun, healthful suggestions for living your healthiest life.

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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