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Fear of the dentist

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Do dentists’ needles and drills make you anxious? 

If the pain of a dentist’s needles and even just the sound of the dentist’s drill makes you have dental anxiety, you are not alone. Painful dental treatments in the past and fear of dentists’ needles keep many people away from the dentist, even when they truly need dental care.

You have a fear of the dentist

You have probably heard of “sedation dentistry.” This might sound good, but sedation still requires a needle with anesthesia which exposes you to chemicals. And since you are not a fan of needles, this is not the best solution for you. Needles and drills make you feel anxious and afraid. Do you feel silly that you are afraid to go to the dentist? Maybe you don’t like returning to work with a numb face and a crooked smile?

We get it

Dr. Jay Patel believes that dentistry shouldn’t have to be scary or painful, which is why he uses the SOLEA laser. The SOLEA laser has been around since 2013 and is incredibly safe. Dr. Patel was trained in how to use the SOLEA laser and he is an expert with it. He has treated hundreds of people with the SOLEA laser. 


Say goodbye to needles and drill

The SOLEA laser gets rid of the needle, the drill, the noise, and the pain from your dental visit. It is the perfect solution for your dentist to provide anxiety-free dental care for you, and especially for children. It has been a game-changer for people who have been afraid of seeing the dentist. Dr. Patel has treated thousands of patients with the SOLEA laser. 

If you want to ditch your fears of visiting your dentist, then here is the simple plan. 

  1. Make an appointment to see Dr. Patel
  2. Experience needle and drill-free dentistry
  3. Never be afraid of the dentist again

Stop being anxious about your dentist

  • Don’t put toxic chemicals in your body with anesthetic
  • Don’t feel anxious and afraid before dental visits
  • Avoid expensive sedation costs
  • Stop having your workday interrupted with a numb face

Take control over your dental treatment experience

  • Feel calm and confident about your visits
  • Save money as the SOLEA treatments cost the same as regular fillings
  • Get back to your day in minutes without a numb face and a crooked smile
  • Achieve the smile you’ve always wanted without sedation needles and chemicals

Learn more about the Solea Laser and drill and needle-free fillings

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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Dr. Jay Patel

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  • Monday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
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  • Saturday*: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
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