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Drill Free Fillings FAQ’s – South Calgary dentist explains

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Many people have a difficult time with the sound and feel of traditional drills. They react the same way as they do when they hear nails on a chalkboard.

It’s definitely hard to relax during a procedure when you’re experiencing that type of a reaction.

If you’ve had a similar reaction to the traditional procedure of dental fillings, you must have a list of questions about our new Solea laser, which offers drill and freezing free dental fillings. We are afterall the first dental clinic in Calgary to offer Solea laser fillings.

Today, I’m going to delve into some of the most common questions I’m asked in my Seton dentist office about this filling procedure. You’ll learn about how Solea works, the cost of laser fillings vs. traditional fillings, and everything in between.

7 Most Asked Questions about Drill Free and Freezing Free Fillings

Here are the answers to some of the top questions I get about our new laser filling technique.

How does drill free fillings work ?

The Solea laser releases a unique wavelength that directly cuts enamel and dentine in a fast and virtually painless way. Unlike other laser fillings that vaporizes water to cut though the tooth structure.

Most people don’t even need dental freezing. Once I remove the decay with the laser, I fill the tooth as per usual.

Are drill free fillings safe for kids?

Absolutely! In fact, this is now considered the preferred way to perform restorative dentistry on children. The reason for this is because fillings take less time and will barely cause any discomfort.

Does this type of filling procedure sound or feel the same as traditional fillings?

Like a traditional handpiece (drill), water is still sprayed into the mouth. This keeps the tooth cool so we don’t irritate the nerve inside the tooth. However, the laser doesn’t vibrate like the average drill. The laser cuts into the enamel quickly, smoothly and painlessly.

Once finished removing decay, I fill the tooth like a normal filling, which requires some adjustment/polishing. That part will feel the same.

How do these fillings compare with the cost of fillings in general?

You might expect these fillings to be pricier than traditional fillings, but the price is the same.

Insurance can be tricky. Will they pay for these types of fillings?

Since we bill these fillings out just like we do normal fillings, the answer is yes. A filling is a filling.

I know I have a cavity, do I still need a dental exam and get x-rays for drill free fillings?

Unfortunately,  patients won’t be able to come in from another office just to have a filling done. They will need to have an exam and radiographs either sent from a previous office (must be less than 1 year old) or new ones taken by us. This allows me to diagnose an infection in the tooth that requires a filling and whether or not it will be possible to use the laser for that specific filling.

How long does it take to get a couple of fillings with this new technique?

It takes about half the time because we don’t have to wait for tooth freezing. If you have multiple cavities we need to fill, with Solea you may not need to book multiple appointments.

SE Calgary Dentist: The Future of Restorative Dentistry Is Bright

Restorative dentistry is constantly evolving, which is really exciting. The new technology, tools, and products make maintaining oral health so much easier on patients.

I enjoy being able to bring the latest tools and techniques to my Calgary dentist office. They make appointments faster, which patients love. They also make dental appointments easier, less intimidating, and more comfortable.

With technology that makes things like drill free fillings possible, the future of dentistry is definitely bright for Calgary patients.

Would you like more information about the tools I use in my practice? I welcome you to stop by for a meet and greet. You’ll get to meet my team, tour the office, and get all of your questions answered.

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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