Taking care of your oral health is crucial, but sometimes, things can be out of our control. Dental problems are a common concern, and they can occur simultaneously—like losing teeth and receding gums. While dentures can help solve some of these concerns, it’s natural to wonder if they can be fitted to receding gums. You […]
What Are Partial Dentures?
You have plenty of options when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Whether you’re looking to fill a single gap or a series of them, deciding on how to get it done is the first step—and we can help! One such solution is partial dentures. Partial dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace one […]
How to Properly Clean Dentures
Just like natural teeth, dentures require proper care and maintenance to keep them clean and reduce discoloration and bad odours. Clean your dentures every day by removing them before bed and soaking them in a special cleaning solution overnight. […]