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Your Calgary Dentist: Dr. Patel’s 5 favorite family-friendly hikes

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We’re really lucky to be surrounded by an abundance of natural beauty here in Calgary, and I try to spend as much time as possible in it. If you’re anything like me who loves being outside and exploring nature with the family, hiking is my go to activity.

I love to share my hiking experiences with my patients, but I understand that those with families can’t always take their kids to every hiking destination. Some of the hikes are just too advanced for children.

That’s why I decided to share with you my favourite family-friendly hikes.

My Top 5 Favourite Family-Friendly Hikes

These are five of the best hikes in Calgary. I hope you get to try them!

1. Grassi Lakes

As a family dentist, I think this is one of the best areas for families to hike. There are two different hikes you can take – one that’s easier and great for kids. The other is a bit more difficult, but it takes you past some amazing waterfalls and overviews of Grassi Lake.

Some sights you’ll see: waterfalls, a beautiful view of the valley, and rock climbers. Some hikers have even seen a tight rope walker taking his chances over the lake. Your kids will love that!

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2. Upper Kananaskis Lake

Located in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, this is an area full of natural as well as manmade lakes. It’s great for hiking most of the year, and in the winter it’s the perfect spot for cross country skiing.

This hike is moderate as far as difficulty goes, and you can bring your dog along as long as it’s kept on a leash.

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3. Big Hill Springs Cochrane

Your kids will love this hike!

Big Hill Springs Provincial Park is full of waterfalls and peaceful wooded areas. It’s not too difficult and the sights are amazing. Your kids will get a kick out of all the funky rock formations, too.

4. Johnston Canyon (Banff National Park)

In my family dentist practice, this hike is among the

favorites of many parents. It’s an easy trail and you’ll find lots of families on it. Not only does it give families a chance to enjoy the natural beauty, your kids will probably make some friends.

5. Sulphur Mountain (Banff National Park)

Named for the two sulphur hot springs at the bottom of the mountain, this hike will definitely get your heart pounding. The 360 degree views are stunning. You can hike all the way to the top, or take a gondola ride. Once on top, there are numerous observation decks, boardwalks, restaurants, and trails.

General and Dental Health Tip from Your Calgary Dentist: Get Moving!

If you’re wondering why I decided to share my favorite hiking destinations and what this may have to do with dentistry, read on.
I know all too well the impact that a sedentary lifestyle can have on a person’s overall health. I also know how beneficial an active lifestyle can be. Once you see the correlation between physical activity and dental health, I know you’ll understand why I’m such a huge proponent of spending time in the great outdoors.

As a Calgary emergency dentist, I’ve seen my fair share of patients in pain. Whether they’re experiencing a toothache or a gum infection, it makes me really sad to see a patient in distress.

Regular physical activity is one way patients can reduce the likelihood that they’ll end up with dental issues. A 2005 report published in the Journal of Dentistry explained the link between physical activity and gum disease. Over the 10-year study, patients reduced their risk of periodontal disease with regular physical activity. Those who had never smoked were 54% less likely to end up with gum disease.
When you commit to an active lifestyle, you’re doing something that will have huge health ramifications.

Not only will regular physical activity help prevent obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, it will prevent having to see your Calgary emergency dentist.

When You Visit Your Family Dentist, Let Me Know About Your Favorite Hiking Spots

The next time you visit my Calgary dentist office, let me know if you’ve tried any of the hikes suggested. I’d love to hear about your favorite hikes, too. Let’s encourage each other to stay active and healthy!

Would you like to know more activities that can benefit your dental health? Contact my office to schedule an appointment. At your exam, I’ll discuss ways improve your dental and overall health.

Jay Patel, D.M.D.
Dentist Calgary SE

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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