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5 Reasons to Use Your Dental Insurance Before the End of the Year

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You probably don’t realize that using your dental benefits before the end of the year can save you hundreds of dollars! While the majority of dental plans run on a calendar year, there are some that run fiscally. We have compiled 5 different reasons why using your benefits before the end of the calendar year will save you time and money.

Yearly Maximum

Your dental insurance plan likely has a yearly maximum. This amount is what your dental insurance plan has agreed to pay up to for the year. Most people have an average of $1,000 per year, per person, but this can vary depending on the insurance company. Unused benefits typically do not roll over to the next year, so it is wise to plan ahead before your calendar or fiscal year ends.


Most insurance companies require a deductible to be paid out of pocket to your dentist, before your insurance company will pay for any services. Depending on your plan and the dentist you choose, your deductible can vary in amount, but average deductibles are around $50 per year. When plans roll over to a new year, your deductible will also be reset.


You are paying dental premiums each and every month, and you should be taking full advantage of them. Even if you don’t think you require dental treatment, coming in every six months for a cleaning is a great way to maintain your oral health and prevent future dental problems.

About Your Insurance

We ask that you realize that we do not work for an insurance company. Rather, we work 100% for our amazing patients (like you)! We feel that insurance is a great benefit for many patients and want you to know we will do everything in our power to ensure you get every benefit allotted in your insurance plan. 

Our team members are trained to do their best to assist you with your benefits and dental needs. However, the treatment we recommend and the fees we charge will always be based on your individual needs, not your insurance coverage.

Dental Problems Can Worsen

If you still have benefits available, book your appointment before the end of the year. Delaying treatment can worsen dental issues and lead to more expensive and extensive treatment in the future. Call us and schedule an appointment now, so that cavities and other minor issues can be treated before they turn into more serious problems.

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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