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3 Ways You Can Manage Your DENTAL ANXIETY – And One Simple Solution To Get Rid Of It Forever. Now available at Outdoor Dental in Calgary SE.

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dental anxiety

Fear of the dentist, otherwise known as dental anxiety, affects millions of Canadians each year. Dental anxiety often prevents people from seeking necessary dental care, and can result in tooth decay and pain that could have been avoided with routine maintenance. So what are some ways to manage your dental anxiety?

Dr. Jay Patel at Outdoor Dental provides three tips to help you get through your next trip to your dentist’s office in Calgary SE with no fear or stress! And … please allow us to introduce Solea Laser Treatment. A simple solution to dental anxiety in Calgary SE. No needles, no drills, no stress. Really? Yes, really. No kidding!

Why do you experience dental anxiety?

Is it because you’re afraid of a dentist drill, afraid of dentist smell, afraid of dentist sounds, or all three? Yes, some people do experience anxiety just by entering a dental office. But generally, dental anxiety is caused by various reasons. The most common reason is related to previous traumatic experiences with dentists in general and/or your prior experiences with any specific procedure performed in a dental office. It can also be due to a particularly bad toothache that you suffered from previously. Or even simply fear of injections!

Many times, patients have no idea why they suffer from dental anxiety. This is normal as not everyone has memories of their time at dentist’s offices. Many patients report experiencing fear only when they begin to hear their dentist approaching them for an examination – resulting in pain relief techniques failing miserably!

However, if you are one who feels nervous or scared because they are aware of what’s about to happen – let us explain what steps can be taken to remedy such problems – starting today:

1. Afraid of Dentist Drill

At Outdoor Dental we’ve helped thousands overcome fears about seeing dentists – so don’t let fear get between you and your health. If fear of the drill is preventing you from getting regular dental checkups, our team can help with a variety of options to make sure that you are comfortable during your visit.

We use several different techniques to help our patients relax. Our staff will work with you to find a solution that works best for your needs.

2. Afraid of Dentist Smell

If smell is what’s causing anxiety when visiting a dentist office, there are several things that can be done to remedy such problems. At Outdoor Dental we have designed our practice with your comfort in mind.

We know that smells from previous dental procedures or even cleaning products may make you uncomfortable, so we use only natural smelling products and ensure that all equipment is cleaned thoroughly after each use.

3. Afraid of Dentist Sounds

Even though it might seem silly for someone to be afraid of sounds coming from their dentist’s tools, it does happen more often than most people realize. Many patients report experiencing fear only when they begin to hear their dentist approaching them for an examination – or hearing the drill – or hearing other patients make pain noises.

We allow you to bring your own music or headphones during your visit if you’d like some extra noise cancelling help during treatment.

Don’t be ashamed of dental anxiety. You’re not alone.

If you are struggling with dental anxiety, or if you’re scared of visiting your dentist, know that you are not alone. Many people experience dental anxiety to some degree; just because it’s common doesn’t mean it isn’t serious. At Outdoor Dental, we always provide help to patients who deal with fear and anxiety related to their treatment sessions. Just let us know what’s bothering you – we will find a solution for you.

Our Calgary SE Dental Office has a great alternative available for dental sedation to make sure you feel comfortable during every visit. With our commitment to patient comfort, we can help you manage your fear so that you can enjoy healthy teeth and gums without worrying about pain or discomfort.

We invite anyone suffering from dental anxiety to contact us today and experience our Solea Laser for dental treatment. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Solea Laser. No needles, no drill, no pain.

The Solea laser is an excellent solution for people who experience dental phobia (afraid of the dentist) dental drills, needles and pain. The laser just needs 1-2 minutes of your time and you will feel relaxed and comfortable during the procedure without any pain. It’s important to understand that the outcome of any dental treatment depends on the severity of your dental problem.

Most people experience greatly reduced anxiety due to Solea Laser treatment used by Dr Jay Patel, now available at: Outdoor Dental Calgary SE. The Solea experience is virtually free of the needle and the sound of the drill, quick, easy, and done in a single visit, and able to get you back to your day in minutes.

Get rid of your dental phobia once and for all.

Everyone feels better without dental phobia and more regular dentist visits will provide you with healthier teeth. Make dentist appointments without that feeling of fear growing in your stomach. Feel confident when arriving at our dental office in Calgary SE. Experience our dental practice as a place you can enjoy because it will improve your oral and overall health.

The Solea Laser is a non-invasive, pain free method for a variety of dental treatments. Contact us to book an appointment at our dental clinic in Calgary SE and get rid of your dental phobia in Calgary SE once and for all!

Jay Patel

Written by
Dr. Jay Patel

Dr. Patel aims to provide Calgarians with comprehensive oral health care and preventive dental care focused on improving overall well-being. This shows in Dr. Patel’s focus on preventing diseases and achieving effective dental results through patient education and the use of advanced dental technology.

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